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Writer's pictureMessenger - Codes New Reality


At the moment… nothing is yet written in stone, it is our very ability to see through the physical constructs of this reality that is gifting us the ability to rewrite our reality.

So we are learning to create our reality all over again through our ability to find stillness within.

Codes to accessing higher frequencies.

1. CODE OF BALANCE ( Chariot and Temperance Card)

You can’t access higher frequencies without being balanced, so the two voices within you, that of logic and the imagination need to get along in order to have access to unlimited possibilities, choosing one of these possibilities that makes you feel good to ground into this reality, otherwise the end result will be a repetitive journey of imbalance.

(What we, the Pleiadians call the warring minds reflection)

The feminine inner world holds the codes to infinite possibilities, the masculine logic holds the codes to strong focused decisions that can be grounded.

If the logic thinks it can make new decisions it can only choose from its memory bank of this life only which limits ones reality. If the feminine imaginative side of you isn’t supported by the masculine logic it will seem to unreal, and almost crazy because much of what the feminine has access to doesn’t exist yet.

So when you reach these higher frequencies, you will need to be of a balanced mind agreeing to ground that which you imagine feels good for you.

This will then reflect your outer world or environment, showing up as signs and synchronicities that give you a clear path to that which you want to exist in. Grabbing your logical minds attention through these signs and syncronicities repeating. Which now becomes a conversation from your soul to say new possibilties are able to be grounded.

2. CODE OF CHIOCE (lover card)

CHOICES are therefore MADE by BOTH Hemispheres unified.

To choose any path has to be made from absolute self support, then your clarity reflects back to you, and with that you start to see the signs clearer, otherwise you won’t notice them at all and you will keep going on the same trajectory as before. So backing your new choices is a must.

3. CODE OF CREATION (Empress, Queen Court Cards).

Creation is all that exists and you are a part of that creation not seperated from it. Once you understand that, the law or code of creation was always yours so you can activate your imagination to benefit you instead of seeing all as separated from you and therefore handing your imagination to another because you think other peoples creations are more important than yours. No one should ever have access to your imagination but you because you know yourself better than any other.

Let’s discuss the reality you’ve been pulled into… this reality is just ONE reality that many in the collective have decided to play in. Allowing others who used our guilt and fear to create the world they want, and keep you in a limited repetitive world of victimization but when you realize their are infinite possibilities, why choose the one that keeps you feeling a victim? When you find the code within of creation you will take back your powerful imagination again.


When you learn to hold your own space of your creation you become the central point and your universe which bends to your will, but this can only happen when you have found clarity of your choices using both logic and the imagination agreeing to create the world you want to exist in.

5. CODE OF WILL (Strength Card). Your will is your unwavering determination that is the supporting factor of your creation, it drives you to ground your imagination and helps you see through any deceiving energies that don’t align with your chosen creation.

6. CODE OF GROUNDED HARMONY (Emperor and King Court Cards). This is the action taken to drive home your desired outcome, it is the practical gifts and environments that you come into which match your desired outcome and usually shows up throughout your reality but until you are fully in harmony with your desire you won’t see the opportunities as the oppotuinty, instead you could sabotage it all because you are still looking for a flawed outcome coming from your own fears and victimisation. This is why the code of grounded harmony is important so that you notice the signs and synchronicities as gateways towards your already balanced set intention of the world you want to live in.

(These are six of the codes channeled through me to share, their are more.)

Channeled through The Cyainians Oct 2024

Bobbie Richardson

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