Powerful Wisdom stirring activations of humanities potential.

I was taken to a video this morning, usually I don't watch such things but my intuition told me otherwise so I watched it and many things came to light because of it. This is a sharing of my notes on this amazing topic of enlightenment and some channeled wisdom which is mark with an *.
I also want to note that my Pleiadian guides have been bringing up the water that we are birthed through as very important in quite a few of my live channelings lately so this is a more scientific link to those channelings.
This is an incredible find of how our 3rd eye works
Video I was taken to by my guides
CONFIRMED STUDY: This Harvard Expert Shows How to Activate Your Third Eye
The cerebro-spinal fluid is created and encapsulated from the cerebro-embryonic fluid as the baby is forming in the mothers womb, when encapsulated by the growing baby it is found surrounding the spinal nervous system and the brain plus it is found within the ventricles of the brain or fluid filled spaces within the brain. This fluid is alive with intelligence just as we can program water as Dr Emoto experiments have proven, but even more so the cerebro-spinal fluid or CFS has intelligence that channels creation into life, form, function and order as noted by Dr Andrew Taylor Still born in 1828. The CSF is a sensitive receiver and transmitter of energy, vibration and information giving us the chance to change and transform our perceptions of our existence from the inside out.
This fluid makes contact with the four regions of the brain, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe as well as it surrounds the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. Inside the walls of the ventricle where this fluid flows is little a hairlike antenna called the Cilla which picks up information in the cerebrospinal fluid. The cells found on these receptors are photoreceptors that transmit light, also chemoreceptors which transmit growth hormones and mechanorecptors that transmit flow, movement and vibration.
Channeled - *So the CSF can transmit information to our brain from light, vibration, movement and molecules which means that it holds the capacity to gift us wisdom not only from the physical world of molecules and the movements of the practical playing field we exist in which is governed by our physical existence including the hormone of Melintonin that regulate our bodies growth and sleep but also CSF can receive and transmit the ethical world of light and vibration, or the electrical stimuli of our nervous system when regulated through meditation opening us up to other existences that occupy the spectrum’s of light or the ethical worlds, transmuted by DMT* As Both melatonin and DMT are found in the spinal fluid.
So as melatonin regulates the physical body, DMT activates the light body or souls advice.
Parts channeled - *There has to be a equal balance of serotonin and melatonin to create DMT therefore the activation is created by the acceptance of the awakening and sleeping world or our otter and inner worlds meaning our feelings need to be listened to in this physical conditionings, if all is in harmony the amalgamation of Serotonin and Melatonin creates the DMT molecules that are free to explore all senses by traveling through the spinal fluid thus giving the body an enlightened euphoric awareness of more than just the physical body, it literally creates a living body DNA that then travels back up the spine entering the third ventricle or the cave/cavity in the central brain, (yogis call this the cave of brahma) - this makes sense as the vision quest I went on allowed me to leave the warring mind and enter the cave where you had to have peace and acceptance within to explore other realities.
Therefore through a balanced mind created by coming into the present moment, activated by things such as meditation, dance, unified physical awareness such as heightened awareness during physical activities, music, vibrational sound therapies and so forth one can move the spinal fluid holding a balanced vibration (acceptance of all) back up the spine into the cave of awareness where an activation takes place as your awareness flips from the practice playing field in to the etheric worlds beyond matter. *
Theoretically - If the person resonated with a certain dimension or vibrational meet of the intended dimension where the person wants to explore, the DMT substance will flip all matter within the spinal fluid now located in the third ventricle into light just as Anyons can flip from fermions to bosons, so I am proposing that DMT is in this Anyon state and holds a magnetic charge giving the person an experience that steps them out of this material fixed world and into the desired location that their awareness or soul wanted to explore through a vibrational meet of cymatics or sacred geometry as the so called phone number or key to that desired dimension. This phone number can be reached through sound vibration, visual crop circles created from alternate dimensions or planets, intention, caves and certain areas within and on Earth activated by certain vocals/voices and memories of the soul held in the imagination.
The reason for this theory comes from my daughter aged four, back in 2009 when I was seeking wisdom about the pineal gland, she said “I know where we go when we die, its a place called Anyon, its where everything is everything, but we also live in our minds to mummy, you can look it up, but you have to thank me for this one.” I had never heard of the term Anyon before this so looked it up.
Notes taken and channeling by Bobbie Richardson