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26th AUG 2024


This is an inside job…

This is the time to acknowledge our focus as the arrow that drives our attention and then eventually our actions, which aligns us with clarity, giving us our desired outcome.

Your focus can be determined by your thoughts or your imagination.

You are the observer of your thoughts therefore you are not your thoughts, thoughts are your thinking mind which has accumulated things that have happened to you in this life, usually things that have stood out, good or bad. Thoughts can create our lives but only because we seek the same things we think about, outside of us for confirmation. The more intense the feelings attached to what happened to you, the more that story is driven into your brain through established neuron paths.

When this comes from a fear based decision or a lack of love for self. Chosen because we are taught through schools and our parents to focus on fear so that we can protect ourselves. We learn to make decision and choices from fear. Which means that we give more focus to any story played out that had a negative feeling associated with it, we then tend to attach it to things surrounding us in our environment when that story first happened so that if any of those things take place in our life again we can, so-called, catch it before it happens, but the actual focus usually set you up to expect the same outcome and even if the people around you have changed, their expected reaction will be pushed from you until it shows up, so that you can confirm that it was worth your focus, as it all happened again, without the full awareness that it was due to your focus in the first place that created the same outcome.

But if the story had a good outcome and greatfulness was felt the story usually doesn’t repeat because you haven’t been taught to focus on something that hasn’t hurt you.

It is actually to your advantage though to see yourself as the observer of your thoughts and to train them to let go and ignore that which didn’t turn out and leave a space for new ideas and imaginings that make you happy, so that you choose the path, and the people to interact and resonate with, knowing you are worthy of great things to come into your life.

This is especially important at the moment because we are all going through the quickening.

The quickening - is the time where our focus manifests quicker and quicker.

When you become the observer and don’t let your thoughts take over you then you truly are awakening to becoming the creator and choosing at every moment your desired outcome out of self love, which also includes everyone in your environment, meaning you loving your environment will feel that and see you through the eyes of love as well, because to want the best for all, acknowledges your environment as an extension of yourself and that will only improve the very reality you are creating.

Someone has to think beautiful thoughts…

IT TAKES A BRAVE SOUL to believe in things yet to come that make the lives of many happy to be here, it takes a brave soul not because it isn’t easy to imagine these things but because most people have been taught that to think of the best will only let yourself and others down because the world is a harsh and un easy place to live in. This cannot occur unless you give up on the best outcome and choose to live in a limited sad place. So then it is purely in our choices that carve our reality and not in others outside of us trying to convince us we should give up on something that could lead to greatness.

I was told most of my life… "Bobbie you think the world has a chance to become a better place, but that is a fairy tale." I said so what’s wrong with thinking there is hope for a better outcome, if we all think we are doomed then that will be the outcome. Is there safety in knowing an outcome that’s to doom us all just so you can confirm you or they are right? Isn’t it better to think of the best outcome and if that’s not reached then to know we haven’t reached the end of our story yet, that we can always try new ways till we find something we are grateful for. To me it would be insane to stay safe in an unsafe place just so you know what to expect. Therefore change must happen if we are to create something amazing and if the world is already changing so fast that many things are feeling uneasy, then it is within this quickening that we can find greatness for all.

I believe it will take a lot of us who are different from the logical thinkers to shift logic. It is time for us to rise up and stop being victim to a victimized world stuck in its own way because it can’t see past the misery and discomfort. I believe the quickening will show us just how brave we the different people are, to imagine a better world and to act on that asking the masculine to believe in grounding our imaginings so we can live with Earth again, that we have it within us to find a space where the mind doesn’t take over with stories of doom and gloom, but a space that can align us with how we feel and to choose a path suited to better feelings. I believe it is through us not being afraid to feel that we can learn to trust our intuition and make choices on what feels right even if it differs from a logical path. I believe our imagination has the ability to bring up worlds of wonder and once we decide to support these imaginings we can find ways to create a world not ever experienced in the universe before, a world that is moved through love for all.

Bobbie Richardson

Channeled via my higher self with the help of my guides the Pleiadians.

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Yin Liu
Yin Liu
Aug 28

The wisdom and the strength is immense! I wish the whole world could read this, but only for those who are ready for now. Soon…

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