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Your Ability To Shift Your Story To Abundance

Two channeled messages from my new ET connection 'Nova'.

Side Note this image was 444KB big, a repeating number I keep seeing as messages from higher realms.

28th July 2024

When you find that park in the parking lot that you say you manifested because you sent a wish or vibe out to your reality that you always get a close car park. Then you are controlling your internal story till it meets with your reflective story, or your outside world. Now if you have tried this and you feel that release of knowing it will happen so you don’t even have to focus on it. When you are in the flow of expectation and trust. You have in that moment stepped into the 5th dimensional frequency through visualization and brought it into your 3D physical world through releasing your wish, knowing it will happen.

So now you have the capability to do the same thing for all you desire in your world, the only difference with those things that seem impossible, isn’t that they are any better or harder to get than the parking spot, as your universe is a never ending story of all possibilities created through you observing it knowing it WILL happen.

It’s that you have a challenge in your mind of your value within the story you live in, because when you see the value of another person or another object such as a home, money, or a partner, as less then you, the creator of such a life then you have already told your universe to mirror that worthlessness and so no matter how much you visualize it in your mind you cannot release the wish to replace it with an absolute yes until you find the same value of having in your life within you.

You will know you aren’t there because you will keep asking over and over trying to seek something outside of you to show up to show you your value, instead of knowing your value and so all you desire will be your reflection. Its like looking in the mirror with a sad face expecting a happy one to show you that you are happy.

26th July 2024

Money is a man made invention, created to substitute the natural flow of abundance with an artificial one that could be accessed by those who came from lack. The way to amend this is to feel into your natural flow of worthiness again, trusting that your nurturing will be returned because you walk this nurturing world with love in your heart for being here. Nature knows this, this is why it dosnt need the interference of man to thrive. Its worthiness isn’t even something it thinks of as to be born here was the invitation to organically thrive.

Now you may say what about those who are born into poverty, poverty or a lack of worthiness was already existing in their souls energy field from another life where their worthiness was knocked out of alignment by trying to fit into the lack or money game. They still have it within them to learn of this lack within and transform their life into an abundant one, everyone does. The confusion is that money represents self worth. But anything created outside of you can be taken away from you and used against you. The true abundance lies beyond the fear of worthlessness, it is your confidence in your self to shift your reality at any given point to match your worthiness.

Channeled through Bobbie

YouTube - Bobbie The Messenger


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