You will receive an email (please check your junk box) that will be titled Invisionart or Codes To A New Reality, it will have a password on it which you can enter the Mind To Telepathy Classes untill October 5th 2024.
The classes are located by scrolling over the Master Class title at the top of the website page and clicking on the Mind To Telepathy title.
Any issues please contact
Please keep the PASSWORD to re-enter.
Presented by Bobbie Richardson,
Founder & CEO at Invision Art.Just as my guides taught me, I'm now here to pass this wisdom onto you, as a guide to balancing the mind and opening up to channel your own wisdom through.
This world and you are going through major transitions, preparing you to join others in the universe.
The first gift to be shared will be the ability to tap into the universal language of telepathy and channeling.
This is what my team has prepared me for all my life so that I have the ability not only to channel but also to put together these videos.
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